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the_deum [2023/01/16 14:36] – [Edit - Panel] shtothe_deum [2024/01/01 20:15] (current) – [Mistrust and Free Will] shto
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 ====== The Deum ====== ====== The Deum ======
->The Deum are both like and unlike any other race. Any being that falls into this category was, at one time, meant for another. However, each was touched by a great force that shaped its nature and abilities. In most cases this is a blessing, though most certainly not all.+>The Deum are both like and unlike any other race. Each was touched by a great force that shaped its nature and abilities, transforming it into something with great power. In most cases this is a blessing, though most certainly not all.
 > >
 >The above is with the notable exception of the Voidborn, who are instead the spawn of the Void. These foul creatures are walking corruption, spawned from nonexistence for purposes that can only be theorized. >The above is with the notable exception of the Voidborn, who are instead the spawn of the Void. These foul creatures are walking corruption, spawned from nonexistence for purposes that can only be theorized.
-//**Carno Rancar - Carno's Compendium Cultural**//+
 +>//**Carno Rancar - Carno's Compendium Cultural**//
 Deum are the result of interference by supreme powers that may be divine, fiendish, or something else entirely in nature. Some are overt, brought forth by a power with clear motive for their creation. Others may wear their heritage with little understanding of why. Deum are the result of interference by supreme powers that may be divine, fiendish, or something else entirely in nature. Some are overt, brought forth by a power with clear motive for their creation. Others may wear their heritage with little understanding of why.
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 ==== Mistrust and Free Will ==== ==== Mistrust and Free Will ====
 +<WRAP group>
 +<WRAP half column>
 While both races are at least tolerated in most locations, there is clear bias from common people toward these deum. Lowborn are often mistrusted for their heritage, while highborn are viewed in a more favorable light. The result is often that these individuals grow into the roles assigned to them, even if their natures would not have resulted in such normally. While both races are at least tolerated in most locations, there is clear bias from common people toward these deum. Lowborn are often mistrusted for their heritage, while highborn are viewed in a more favorable light. The result is often that these individuals grow into the roles assigned to them, even if their natures would not have resulted in such normally.
 These assumptions can also be outright false. Not all fiends are evil, and not all angels good. It's not uncommon for an individual with fiendish heritage to be a truly good person, while an angelic deum uses the reputation of its race exclusively for its own ends. These assumptions can also be outright false. Not all fiends are evil, and not all angels good. It's not uncommon for an individual with fiendish heritage to be a truly good person, while an angelic deum uses the reputation of its race exclusively for its own ends.
-<WRAP center round box 80%+ 
-==== Highborn and Lowborn Characters ====+<WRAP half column round box> 
 +=== Highborn and Lowborn Characters ===
 As either race, you may have had assumptions an expectations forced upon you all your life, which you may have embraced or rejected. Regardless of if you have accepted or denied the nature your heritage is known for, it likely affects your life in tangible ways, such as how others have seen you. As either race, you may have had assumptions an expectations forced upon you all your life, which you may have embraced or rejected. Regardless of if you have accepted or denied the nature your heritage is known for, it likely affects your life in tangible ways, such as how others have seen you.
 You may also be aware of your nature to a greater extent, having learned the purpose behind your soul being influenced. Perhaps a fiend wishes you to act as its agent in the world of mortals, or an angel has a divine mission decades in the making. Either way, it is your choice whether you hold true to their desires or fight your fate. You may also be aware of your nature to a greater extent, having learned the purpose behind your soul being influenced. Perhaps a fiend wishes you to act as its agent in the world of mortals, or an angel has a divine mission decades in the making. Either way, it is your choice whether you hold true to their desires or fight your fate.
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 ===== To Everything Else ===== ===== To Everything Else =====
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 <WRAP center round box 80%> <WRAP center round box 80%>
-==== Other Deum Characters ====+**Other Deum Characters** 
 Much like highborn and lowborn, you may have a greater purpose, an accident, or simply be the result of genetics. If you have a purpose, it may be far more difficult to determine depending on what power created you. It's not uncommon for deum of other types to go their whole lives never knowing anything more about their true natures. Much like highborn and lowborn, you may have a greater purpose, an accident, or simply be the result of genetics. If you have a purpose, it may be far more difficult to determine depending on what power created you. It's not uncommon for deum of other types to go their whole lives never knowing anything more about their true natures.
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 ==== Cold and Aloof ==== ==== Cold and Aloof ====
 +Aurelians willingly surrender a fragment of their souls to The Merchant as part of their arrangement, and this affects them in tangible ways. Their personalities, while still present, tend to become much more muted in intensity. Gregarious individuals may seek companionship less, and those who enjoyed an activity before their deaths will find less appeal in it.
-<WRAP right box 40%>+Additionally, aurelians tend to have a more pessimistic and cold outlook. Those who become aurelians are almost exclusively those who met an untimely demise, and it is difficult to experience death and remain unchanged. They may view many things as futile or unimportant, having significantly narrowed their focuses after taking the time to reflect on regrets and past decisions. 
 +==== On the Hunt ==== 
 +Aurelians are as likely to operate with a group as they are independently. They have unique skills that make them potentially quite useful to others, and an Aurelian is normally thankful to have backup with their tasks. However, those who serve with aurelians will have to acknowledge the occasional diversion to punish the enemies of The Merchant. 
 +Aurelians do have discretion when identifying targets. They are not expected to spend all their time seeking out targets, nor are they expected to target someone if they feel they have little chance of success. So long as they show the intent to uphold their side of the agreement, The Merchant is often satisfied to allow them to do as they please. 
 +<WRAP center box 80%>
 **Bound Souls** **Bound Souls**
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 Additionally, some beings may simply refuse to die for good, returning as intelligent undead without the intervention of The Merchant. This is also unacceptable to him, though it may be more easily solved. Those animated by their own strong force of will may pass of their own accord if their business is completed, and aurelians are permitted to assist them if they choose that route. Additionally, some beings may simply refuse to die for good, returning as intelligent undead without the intervention of The Merchant. This is also unacceptable to him, though it may be more easily solved. Those animated by their own strong force of will may pass of their own accord if their business is completed, and aurelians are permitted to assist them if they choose that route.
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-Aurelians willingly surrender a fragment of their souls to The Merchant as part of their arrangement, and this affects them in tangible ways. Their personalities, while still present, tend to become much more muted in intensity. Gregarious individuals may seek companionship less, and those who enjoyed an activity before their deaths will find less appeal in it. 
-Additionally, aurelians tend to have a more pessimistic and cold outlook. Those who become aurelians are almost exclusively those who met an untimely demise, and it is difficult to experience death and remain unchanged. They may view many things as futile or unimportant, having significantly narrowed their focuses after taking the time to reflect on regrets and past decisions. 
-==== On the Hunt ==== 
-Aurelians are as likely to operate with a group as they are independently. They have unique skills that make them potentially quite useful to others, and an Aurelian is normally thankful to have backup with their tasks. However, those who serve with aurelians will have to acknowledge the occasional diversion to punish the enemies of The Merchant. 
-Aurelians do have discretion when identifying targets. They are not expected to spend all their time seeking out targets, nor are they expected to target someone if they feel they have little chance of success. So long as they show the intent to uphold their side of the agreement, The Merchant is often satisfied to allow them to do as they please. 
 <accordion> <accordion>
 <panel title="DnD 5e Racial Features"> <panel title="DnD 5e Racial Features">
-**Aurelian Traits**+=== Aurelian Traits === 
 Aurelians benefit from their revival in a number of ways. Aurelians benefit from their revival in a number of ways.
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 </panel> </panel>
 </accordion> </accordion>
 ===== Seekers ===== ===== Seekers =====
 When a child in the care of the Church of Idakor reaches the age of 14, they are given a role within the church. Most train as priests and clerics, and some train as holy warriors in the form of paladins or monks. A select few, however, will become seekers. These few will serve as uniquely trained agents, capable of solving problems of the utmost impact. When a child in the care of the Church of Idakor reaches the age of 14, they are given a role within the church. Most train as priests and clerics, and some train as holy warriors in the form of paladins or monks. A select few, however, will become seekers. These few will serve as uniquely trained agents, capable of solving problems of the utmost impact.
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 ==== Ritual of Elevation ==== ==== Ritual of Elevation ====
 +<WRAP right box 20%>
 +**Eye Colors**
 +Seekers look identical to normal members of their race, save for a distinct eye color due to the Lenses implanted there. Clearly supernatural, their metallic irises often gain some attention. These colors are:
 +  * **Gold.** Seekers of Gadriel have golden irises.
 +  * **Silver.** Seekers of Sachiel have silver irises.
 +  * **Copper.** Seekers of Kasdiel have copper irises.
 To become a seeker, a child must show a strong natural inclination toward the values of one of Idakor's three subordinate gods: Gadriel, Sachiel, or Kasdiel. Once a potential seeker is identified, they are tested rigorously. They undergo extreme physical training, elaborate tests of philosophy and morality, and they are introduced to far more difficult works than their peers. To become a seeker, a child must show a strong natural inclination toward the values of one of Idakor's three subordinate gods: Gadriel, Sachiel, or Kasdiel. Once a potential seeker is identified, they are tested rigorously. They undergo extreme physical training, elaborate tests of philosophy and morality, and they are introduced to far more difficult works than their peers.
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 The final is an ability to pick their battles, both physical and ideological. Seekers who aggravate those around them with moral grandstanding are quick to make enemies and slow to make allies, both of which can jeopardize their missions. They learn quickly that disagreements may need to be put to the side for the greater good. The final is an ability to pick their battles, both physical and ideological. Seekers who aggravate those around them with moral grandstanding are quick to make enemies and slow to make allies, both of which can jeopardize their missions. They learn quickly that disagreements may need to be put to the side for the greater good.
 +<panel title="DnD 5e Racial Features">
 +=== Seeker Traits ===
 +By the time the Ritual of Elevation is complete, a seeker has gained several abilities and competencies.
 +**Ability Score Increase.**  Your gods grant you greater insight into the world around you. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
 +**Age.** Seekers age at the same rate and in the same ways as their race of origin.
 +**Alignment.** Seekers are aligned with their god without exception. Those that have strayed will lose the blessing of their god, and cease to be seekers.
 +**Size.** Seekers grow identically to their base race. Your size is medium.
 +**Speed.** Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
 +**Darkvision.** The eyes of Seekers are enhanced magically, allowing them to pierce through darkness in their search. You can see in dim light within 60 feet as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.
 +**Seeker Training.** Part of the training to become a Seeker involves additional training. Choose one of the following options:
 +  * **Seeker Weapon Training.** You gain proficiency with two martial weapons of your choice.
 +  * **Seeker Skill Training.** You gain proficiency with one skill of your choice. 
 +**Languages.** You can speak, read, and write Common and 2 extra languages of your choice.
 +**Subraces.** Each Seeker devotes themselves to one of the Upper Three Gods, and receives additional abilities from them. Choose one of these subraces.
 +=== Seeker of Gadriel ===
 +Seekers of Gadriel are made from those who show a burning drive to right wrongs and to fight evil. The irises of your eyes become a shimmering gold in color.
 +**Ability Score Increase.** You are given additional training in combat so that no evil may triumph over you. Your Strength score increases by 2.
 +**Seeker of Justice.** You know the *Word of Radiance* cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the *Compelled Duel* spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Once you reach 5th level, you can cast the *Branding Smite* spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.
 +Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells. When you cast them with this trait, they don't require components.
 +=== Seeker of Sachiel ===
 +Seekers of Sachiel are devoted to discovering knowledge and unravelling mysteries. The irises of your eyes become a shimmering silver in color.
 +**Ability Score Increase.** Through constant mental exercises, you've gained a sharp wit. Your Intelligence score increases by 2.
 +**Seeker of Truth.** You know the *Vicious Mockery* cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the *Detect Magic* spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Once you reach 5th level, you can cast the *Zone of Truth* spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. 
 +Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells. When you cast them with this trait, they don't require components.
 +=== Seeker of Kasdiel ===
 +Seekers of Kasdiel are freedom fighters, wishing to liberate the oppressed and ensure liberty and independence. The irises of your eyes become a shimmering copper in color.
 +**Ability Score Increase.** Force is often not an option against tyranny, and so you have learned more social ways to oppose them. Your Charisma score increases by 2.
 +**Seeker of Freedom.** You know the *Friends* cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the *Shield of Faith* spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Once you reach 5th level, you can cast the *Misty Step* spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. 
 +Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells. When you cast them with this trait, they don't require components.
 ===== Sentinels ===== ===== Sentinels =====
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 However, sentinels must be careful not to delay longer than necessary, lest they find another sentinel sent to help get them back on task. However, sentinels must be careful not to delay longer than necessary, lest they find another sentinel sent to help get them back on task.
 +<panel title="DnD 5e Racial Features">
 +=== Sentinel Traits ===
 +Sentinels benefit from their construct nature in several ways.
 +**Living Construct.** You are considered both a construct and a humanoid, and can be targeted by spells that affect either type. You gain immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition, as well as to disease. You also do not need to eat, drink, or breathe.
 +**Ability Score Increase.** Sentinels are versatile in their skills, though they may find their new bodies somewhat limiting. Increase one ability score of your choice by 1.
 +**Age.** Sentinels have the bodies of constructs, and so do not age. All Sentinels pass away once their task has been completed, and so they rarely live more than several years.
 +**Alignment.** Sentinels are almost exclusively Lawful Neutral, having been created to fulfil a single task on behalf of their god.
 +**Size.** Sentinels are given forms similar to typical humanoids for their own ease of adjustment. Your size is medium.
 +**Speed.** Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
 +**Sleep Mode.** While you are not organic and cannot feel tired in the traditional sense, your humanoid mind still requires a degree of rest, achieved by entering a semi-conscious state. After 4 hours in this state, you benefit in the same way that a human would from 8 hours of sleep. 
 +**Languages.** You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language of your choice.
 ===== Vacalians ===== ===== Vacalians =====
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 Good-aligned vacalians fear this day, as it means one of two things: total destruction at Vacal's hand, or submission to him and his dark influence. This tragic end for even the most noble vacalians makes their burden that much heavier. Good-aligned vacalians fear this day, as it means one of two things: total destruction at Vacal's hand, or submission to him and his dark influence. This tragic end for even the most noble vacalians makes their burden that much heavier.
 +<panel title="DnD 5e Racial Features">
 +=== Vacalian Traits ===
 +Those touched by Vacal find themselves emulating the Three-Armed Bear in a number of useful ways.
 +**Ability Score Increase.** Vacalians are extremely hardy and strong due to the influence of Vacal. Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 2.
 +**Age.** Vacalians reach maturity at a much younger age than their race of origin, but live about as long.
 +**Alignment.** Vacalians have been influenced by the monstrous deity of brutality and violence. Most are Chaotic Evil, though some work hard to overcome their natural tendencies.
 +**Size.** Vacalians are naturally muscular and strong when compared to their race of origin, often being several inches taller. Your size is medium.
 +**Speed.** Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
 +**Bite.** Each of your teeth are naturally extremely sharp, giving you a potent natural bite attack which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 plus your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
 +**Powerful Build.** You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
 +**Aggressive.** As a bonus action, you can move up to your movement speed toward a hostile creature you can see or hear. You must end this move closer to the enemy than you started.
 +**Languages.** You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language of your choice.
 ===== Voidborn ===== ===== Voidborn =====
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 ==== Eaters of Magic ==== ==== Eaters of Magic ====
-Voidborn do not eat or drink water, something that would be complicated by their lack of mouths. Instead, they consume magic. The world has a certain level of ambient magic - such as natural energy and excess energy from arcane spellcasting that diffuses through the air. Voidborn in such ambient magic consume it, absorbing it and always remaining perfectly fed as a result. 
-This consumption of magic also allows them a strong resistance to it. When one attempts to cast a spell on a voidborn, there is always a chance that they will simply absorb the magic as it strikes them. Thankfully for voidborn who need magical aid or are aspiring spellcasters, they are able to control their consumption, and so they can ensure they do not consume spells that they would prefer are properly cast. +<WRAP right box 60%>
- +
-<WRAP center box 80%>+
 **Voidborn Starvation** **Voidborn Starvation**
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 When in such locations, a Voidborn will begin to starve. The speed at which this occurs will depend on the voidborn themselves, as well as the degree magic is lessened in the area - a Voidborn will struggle much more with an area totally without magic than one that simple has less. When in such locations, a Voidborn will begin to starve. The speed at which this occurs will depend on the voidborn themselves, as well as the degree magic is lessened in the area - a Voidborn will struggle much more with an area totally without magic than one that simple has less.
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +Voidborn do not eat or drink water, something that would be complicated by their lack of mouths. Instead, they consume magic. The world has a certain level of ambient magic - such as natural energy and excess energy from arcane spellcasting that diffuses through the air. Voidborn in such ambient magic consume it, absorbing it and always remaining perfectly fed as a result.
 +This consumption of magic also allows them a strong resistance to it. When one attempts to cast a spell on a voidborn, there is always a chance that they will simply absorb the magic as it strikes them. Thankfully for voidborn who need magical aid or are aspiring spellcasters, they are able to control their consumption, and so they can ensure they do not consume spells that they would prefer are properly cast.
 +<panel title="DnD 5e Racial Features">
 +=== Voidborn Traits ===
 +Voidborn have unique abilities surrounding their ability to consume magic.
 +**Ability Score Increase.** Voidborn often do not have the luxury of receiving the same upbringing as their race of origin, but this often allows them to ignore the same restrictions. Increase one ability score of your choice by 1.
 +**Age.** Voidborn age at the same rate and in the same ways as their race of origin.
 +**Alignment.** Voidborn are often feared and shunned, and so they tend to have low opinions of societies and laws. As a result, they tend toward Chaotic alignments.
 +**Size.** Voidborn share their size with that of their race of origin. Your size is medium.
 +**Speed.** Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
 +**Languages.** You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language of your choice.
 +**Maw of the Void.** Rather than eating or drinking, voidborn consume magic. The world naturally has a level of ambient magic, and so in most circumstances this means that the voidborn will remain well-fed. Should a voidborn find themselves in an area of no magic, such as in an anti-magic field, they will gradually begin to starve.
 +**Antimagic Awareness.** Voidborn feed on magic, and therefore can tell when an area utterly lacks it. You are instantly aware if you enter an area that lacks any ambient magic, such as an antimagic field. This trait does not give you any ability to detect magic or determine the level of ambient magic around you.
 +**Magic Resistance.** Voidborn feed upon magic, giving you an innate resistance to it. You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
  • the_deum.1673897797.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/01/16 14:36
  • by shto