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snow_and_slime_session_logs [2024/01/14 10:20] shtosnow_and_slime_session_logs [2024/01/14 20:49] (current) shto
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 ===== Arkaydia Island ===== ===== Arkaydia Island =====
 +==== Session 35 – 1/25/2021 ====
 +//Not Dressed Up and Somewhere To Go//
 +The party regrouped and gazed at the city, seeing the massive spire at the center. Being the most likely spot to find Corinth, they headed there. Upon arriving, they noticed a large party inside, fitting for Corinthia, but there was also seemingly a large number of diplomats. Trying to enter, they were quickly turned away by the guards. After a short discussion, they decided that Red would go in as a famous musician with Yannick in disguise as a bodyguard. After applying guyliner and ruffling his hair Red attempted to enter but was still stopped by a guard again, verifying if he was on the list. Quickly Red snatched the list and found the name of a Winthrop Paddlebutt and passed Red Knight off as his stage name. However, the guard required proof of identification, which luckily Nadia was able overheard with Aidan and rushed up, creating a fake ID with illusion magic. From there the rest of the party came in under the disguise of Paddlebutt’s pyrotechnic crew (Tye’s cannon being a huge aid in this ruse). 
 +Inside the spire, all the magic equipment on the party began to glow as well as Yannick’s illusion forcing him to adopt his usual bulking form. The party then moved into a concert room where classical music was being played. Here, though the Paddlebutt ruse, the party learned that Corinth will be down later and they have a few hours to kill and gather information (an obtained a potion to help with hyper-hemorrhoids). First room they stopped in was hot springs, as everyone entered the springs at various degrees of nudity. Krim pretended to fall sleep in a tub, clearing out his spring at first but it later refilled and he learned Corinth’s drug habit or lack thereof, opting not to partake in the various drugs and alcohols he brings in. Tye and Nadia in a separate spring, learn about the reason for diplomatic meeting, a fight between Padre Hector and Crella in Indeen and rumors about a curse affecting Corinth’s family. Red and Yannick schmooze the crowd in their hot spring, and learned about some of the delegates in the party.
 +The party re-robed and entered into the winter room, with gentle snowfall, skating rink and small skiing course. Nadia schmoozes an Elven party, while the rest of the party fucks about and makes one hell of a snowball fight. Starting with Tye, who made a giant snowball and hurled it at Krim and Yannick. Krim started making his own while Yannick snuck onto the ski course, attempting to land on Tye. Tye caught him while he was landing and was just able to dodge Krims retaliation snow boulder. Krim then builds a snowman and teleports it on Tye, leaving a snowman with a trunk left. Red uses his curse and throws snowballs from his teammates position, then moves aside to watch the chaos unfold.
 +Now slightly tired and cold the party regroups in the main hall after a commotion was heard. Inside, Corinth descended down the stairs in extravagant fashion and began making rounds with the people. The party dangles the emerald as a bait for Corinth, attracting his attention as they headed to a backroom for talks. Here Corinth explains that he has necklaces that protect against the sickness and offers in exchange for the emerald. Opting to view other options, Corinth also offered the necklaces in exchange for killing a dragon that lives on the island withing the administration facility, a dragon that most likely has an affinity to the toxic area. Nadia and Red negotiated for supplies and the party was given a shotgun ax that left Yannick drooling in his gas mask. The party took the deal and prepped to infiltrate the island and slay a dragon.  
 +==== Session 36 – 2/9/2021 ====
 +//An Elephant Bird and a Flying Talking Fishman//
 +As the party was looking to regroup, they heard a tiny sound from within Tye’s backpack. Opening it they found a now well rested Ulver, who was taking a nap inside. After filling Ulver in on the deal with Corinth, they set out to get supplies for the venture. Buying a robe of useful items with rowboats and parachutes for the drop and begun to look for a pilot mad enough to sail near Arcadia Island. Meanwhile Nadia examined the necklaces and discovered how it works, that a creature inside takes the burden of the sickness.  Speaking with the Pilots in the area served fruitless, so Red decided to contact an old friend, Dave, who happened to be eating trash nearby funnily enough. Tounges was cast on Dave to avoid a charades game, as he explained that he was unable to drop the party directly on the island as airships often dropped from the sky near its airspace.
 +But this group of assholes had a plan, when the party arrived at island, Nadia turned Tye into a Quetzalcoatlus (dinosaur birb), as Yannick casted speak with animals to stay in contact. The party boarded their bird and flew towards the island. As Tye flew away, the party noticed purple glints of light begin to appear in the ruins of the island. The party wondered what they were until one the glints streaked passed them melting the hull of Dave’s Airship, a beam weapon of some kind. Dave was saved by featherfall as beams raced for Tye aswell. Tye deftly dodged all the beams as he raced towards the island. Within the ruins they found the source of the beams, a floating metal ball with a lens for focusing the energy. Those riding Tye, took shot at the first one to appear, destroying it but more encroached from the ruins. The spheres pursued the party well into the island before suddenly breaking off. Here the party gained their bearings and learned they had arrived at one of their destinations, the library. 
 +Inside the library, besides the ruins typical of the location, a statue stood pushed aside, with a once hidden staircase. Descending below the party encountered a warforged librarian still presiding over area. He gave them general directions for how to proceed as the party headed first west then south. Moving south the party walked past strange statues that seemed to stare and shift as they moved past, unnerving everyone. Here, the party was stopped by a large arcanely locked door with the ‘Restricted Section’ written above and two statues with riddles on the bases. Believing they needed more to open the doors then the riddles, they party headed back.
 +Moving back, the sounds of metal scratching against stone rang throughout the halls. Its source soon revealed itself as the party walked right into an invisible mechanical praying mantis. The front line of the party beelined to the mantis while Nadia rushed away to create space and found another mantis just behind them. Now realizing the mantises could materialize between the walls, the party found each other isolated, mantis in between them each. But even fighting so dispositioned could not stop our heroes, as between multiple mace strikes, flaming blows, swift pierces and arcane assaults, the six mantises never truly stood a chance.
 +After the fight Ulver showed Nadia a bunch of books and notes he scavenged in the fight. She sifted through and found what she believed to be the most useful of the notes. The first explained the statues from before have a paranoia curse on them and nothing else. The second read as a cryptic message about black being an appropriate color but was not used, most likely to be useful later. Moving west then south, the party found a casual study hall complete with some desks, ambient magical fields,some books, some pencils, a creature made of negative energy and small stage for oration. The creature seemed trapped by the field of ambient energy but so did a set of keys that looked useful, so the party explored looking for a way to release just the keys. Luckily, the party found a mosaic wall with purple white and black squares, and realized this is what the note was speaking about and that moving the black squares can’t release the entity. The Party began to solve the puzzle.
 ==== Session 37 – 2/22/2021 ==== ==== Session 37 – 2/22/2021 ====
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 As the party approaches the talking book, Yannick triggered a Scooby-doo style trap, revealing Ulver but trapping himself in the walls. Enjoying the lounge he found there, he opted to stay a while. The Party conversed with book learning his name was Huang Zheng. He was once a person cursed a long time ago and worked for Daganth. He wished to share more, but couldn’t, as an additional curse prevented him from doing so, only removeable by a powerful spellcaster. The party pocketed the book for now not wanting to waste time and grabbed books on curses, fiends, liches and Maelstrom and any other book that looked valuable. While going through the books, Krim found a row of false books hiding a rather impressing looking war-hammer behind. As the party approaches the talking book, Yannick triggered a Scooby-doo style trap, revealing Ulver but trapping himself in the walls. Enjoying the lounge he found there, he opted to stay a while. The Party conversed with book learning his name was Huang Zheng. He was once a person cursed a long time ago and worked for Daganth. He wished to share more, but couldn’t, as an additional curse prevented him from doing so, only removeable by a powerful spellcaster. The party pocketed the book for now not wanting to waste time and grabbed books on curses, fiends, liches and Maelstrom and any other book that looked valuable. While going through the books, Krim found a row of false books hiding a rather impressing looking war-hammer behind.
-Nadia set up a tiny hut on stairwell and the party long rested. During the rest, Red contacted Aelith about the curse on the book and the need for a powerful spellcaster. He replied saying he had someone lined up already within Arcadia. The party ended their rest during the night and set off. It was easy enough to find the administrator building and as they approached, their quarry, the dragon swooped inside. Tye opted to sneak to a nearby window and witness the dragon searching the nearby room. Tye turned to face the party trying to decide what to do, and when his gaze returned to the window, he was met with a large glowing reptilian eye.+Nadia set up a tiny hut on stairwell and the party long rested. During the rest, Red contacted Aelith about the curse on the book and the need for a powerful spellcaster. He replied saying he had someone lined up already within Arkaydia. The party ended their rest during the night and set off. It was easy enough to find the administrator building and as they approached, their quarry, the dragon swooped inside. Tye opted to sneak to a nearby window and witness the dragon searching the nearby room. Tye turned to face the party trying to decide what to do, and when his gaze returned to the window, he was met with a large glowing reptilian eye.
 In a panic, Tye charged the eye and struck it through the window before rushing out of the room, dodging the grip of the Dragon in retaliation. Now back with the party, light spells were cast before walking into hall where the dragon nested. Despite being a red dragon, Tabbarris wished to speak oppose to directly attacking. He told his story, saying he’s been trapped here by Vaeril, who keeps him from dying from the radiation in exchange for keeping him safe. He was lured into this trap by was trapped there by Corinth the Steel, a dragon rival (with a familiar name). In a panic, Tye charged the eye and struck it through the window before rushing out of the room, dodging the grip of the Dragon in retaliation. Now back with the party, light spells were cast before walking into hall where the dragon nested. Despite being a red dragon, Tabbarris wished to speak oppose to directly attacking. He told his story, saying he’s been trapped here by Vaeril, who keeps him from dying from the radiation in exchange for keeping him safe. He was lured into this trap by was trapped there by Corinth the Steel, a dragon rival (with a familiar name).
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 Tabbarris loomed over the party but before he could bear down, Yannick burst through a window, slashing and shooting with his problem solver. Tabbarris countered with his toxic breath, downing half of the party, Krim, Yannick and Tye. Fearing what Tabbarris could bring next, Nadia mustered a chromatic orb with all her might, electrocuting Tabbarris till his body seized violently then stopped, dead. Tabbarris loomed over the party but before he could bear down, Yannick burst through a window, slashing and shooting with his problem solver. Tabbarris countered with his toxic breath, downing half of the party, Krim, Yannick and Tye. Fearing what Tabbarris could bring next, Nadia mustered a chromatic orb with all her might, electrocuting Tabbarris till his body seized violently then stopped, dead.
-After the party was healed, Ulver looted a nearby chest finding a large donation to the Arcadian SPCF, 3000 plat and a very impressive looking rapier. With Tabbaris dead and looking at the amulets that were now rapidly deteriorating, the party rushed to get off the island. Tye is transformed into a teradon quetzalcoatlus and flew the party off the island and when the spell ended, they row boated the rest of the way into Arcadia.+After the party was healed, Ulver looted a nearby chest finding a large donation to the Arkaydian SPCF, 3000 plat and a very impressive looking rapier. With Tabbaris dead and looking at the amulets that were now rapidly deteriorating, the party rushed to get off the island. Tye is transformed into a teradon quetzalcoatlus and flew the party off the island and when the spell ended, they row boated the rest of the way into Arkaydia.
-Upon landing at the beach in Arcadia, the party heard that Dave was in the nearby police station, so they visited him, gave him money for his lost airship and wished him well on his journeys. Here the party headed to an inn, The Gilded Mare, and rested for the night. In the morning, the party found themselves at a small feast set up by Red to celebrate the new year (which was today!) along with gifts for the party. Still wishing to celebrate a bit, Red took the party to see a show performed by his old theater troop. As they were leaving theater Ulver saw a local dentist who installed new gold teeth for him.+Upon landing at the beach in Arkaydia, the party heard that Dave was in the nearby police station, so they visited him, gave him money for his lost airship and wished him well on his journeys. Here the party headed to an inn, The Gilded Mare, and rested for the night. In the morning, the party found themselves at a small feast set up by Red to celebrate the new year (which was today!) along with gifts for the party. Still wishing to celebrate a bit, Red took the party to see a show performed by his old theater troop. As they were leaving theater Ulver saw a local dentist who installed new gold teeth for him.
 Having had their fun for the day, the party headed to the Marble Tankard looking to meet with Aelith’s contact. After saying the code word to the bartender (frost), they party was escorted to a back room where they met with a veiled woman. Dalia, a hemo-mancer applied her craft on the Book, rubbing blood into the book until the curse was broken. Huang Zheng was quite talkative once freed and told the party that he helped design Daganth’s phylactery, which is stored within an artificial demon, who happens to be Daganth’s second in command.   Having had their fun for the day, the party headed to the Marble Tankard looking to meet with Aelith’s contact. After saying the code word to the bartender (frost), they party was escorted to a back room where they met with a veiled woman. Dalia, a hemo-mancer applied her craft on the Book, rubbing blood into the book until the curse was broken. Huang Zheng was quite talkative once freed and told the party that he helped design Daganth’s phylactery, which is stored within an artificial demon, who happens to be Daganth’s second in command.  
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 He explained he works for the Magnate of Clarity and that she wished to speak with them. The Party followed thief to this Magnate, Mirana Fontaine, who greeted everyone by name including Red’s real name. She explained that in her many visions of possible futures, Aelith and the Prince of Maelstrom conquer the world, with the Prince becoming a demon of his own ambition (not sure if that was figurative or literal). The party explains their reasons for working with Aelith in regards to the High Regent and Mirana explained that she works with him and can get him to stop creating the demons, but requires he party to kill Aelith. Now the party stands at an impasse, continue with the deal they had made or work with people who associated with man that creates demons.    He explained he works for the Magnate of Clarity and that she wished to speak with them. The Party followed thief to this Magnate, Mirana Fontaine, who greeted everyone by name including Red’s real name. She explained that in her many visions of possible futures, Aelith and the Prince of Maelstrom conquer the world, with the Prince becoming a demon of his own ambition (not sure if that was figurative or literal). The party explains their reasons for working with Aelith in regards to the High Regent and Mirana explained that she works with him and can get him to stop creating the demons, but requires he party to kill Aelith. Now the party stands at an impasse, continue with the deal they had made or work with people who associated with man that creates demons.   
 +===== Dealing with Hags =====
 ==== Session 41 – 4/19/2021 ==== ==== Session 41 – 4/19/2021 ====
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 //Hags and Hard Places// //Hags and Hard Places//
-The party buys healing potions in prep for the hard fight ahead. They found themselves a teleportation circle and traveled to the Pisallo. In the middle of the busy street, Tye is transformed into a quetzalcoatlus, and they took off into the mountains. They got slightly lost, losing about 20 mins, but the party eventually found the hut. Outside sat two dire trolls and three hags desecrating a human body over a caldron.+The party buys healing potions in prep for the hard fight ahead. They found themselves a teleportation circle and traveled to the city of Pisallo. In the middle of the busy street, Tye is transformed into a quetzalcoatlus, and they took off into the mountains. They got slightly lost, losing about 20 mins, but the party eventually found the hut. Outside sat two dire trolls and three hags desecrating a human body over a caldron.
 Tye swooped in, getting hit with a boulder doing so but got the rest of the party into range. Granny Gristle and Aunty Frostbite take off avoiding the cluster, while Aunty Agony pulled a wendigo from the caldron. The troll to the south swiped, hitting most of the party except Nadia who phased to another plane. Aunty Frostbite opened with a cone of cold hitting the same cluster and at this point most of the party is on their last legs. The other troll chases Ulver who scooted away and clobbered him badly. Tye swooped in, getting hit with a boulder doing so but got the rest of the party into range. Granny Gristle and Aunty Frostbite take off avoiding the cluster, while Aunty Agony pulled a wendigo from the caldron. The troll to the south swiped, hitting most of the party except Nadia who phased to another plane. Aunty Frostbite opened with a cone of cold hitting the same cluster and at this point most of the party is on their last legs. The other troll chases Ulver who scooted away and clobbered him badly.
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 A small healing session was had while Nadia casted detect magic and entered the hut. Inside she found a collection of potions, four figurines (a bird, a snowflake, a car a pig), a path to a cellar filled with dead bodies. Ulver explored upstairs and found a small chest containing 30,000gp worth of gemstones.  The Party regrouped, pocketing potions and discussed the figures. They assumed that the snowflake represented Aelith and the bird figure represented Aidan, which they broke in an attempt to end the curse. Surviving the small burst of bird that came out of it, inside they found a note from Granny Gristle. It essentially mocked Nadia saying her and Aidan’s curse has been purchased by fiend Adriklos, a name that Red knows all to well. In the anger that followed, the hut was set ablaze and the party walked off in preparation of the next fight. A small healing session was had while Nadia casted detect magic and entered the hut. Inside she found a collection of potions, four figurines (a bird, a snowflake, a car a pig), a path to a cellar filled with dead bodies. Ulver explored upstairs and found a small chest containing 30,000gp worth of gemstones.  The Party regrouped, pocketing potions and discussed the figures. They assumed that the snowflake represented Aelith and the bird figure represented Aidan, which they broke in an attempt to end the curse. Surviving the small burst of bird that came out of it, inside they found a note from Granny Gristle. It essentially mocked Nadia saying her and Aidan’s curse has been purchased by fiend Adriklos, a name that Red knows all to well. In the anger that followed, the hut was set ablaze and the party walked off in preparation of the next fight.
 +===== Aelith and Vaeril =====
 ==== Session 44 - 5/31/2021 ==== ==== Session 44 - 5/31/2021 ====
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 Inside the Crystal Cavern, Aelith sat at a table and ushered the party towards him, with Arsene taking position a few tables away disguised. Both Aelith and the party discussed their recent fight when Aelith revealed he knew about the party’s encounter with Granny Gristle. Here Aelith demanded the idol and called out to Rivka as Arsene holds a knife to his own neck. Red, not wanting to see Arsene hurt, went to the restroom to talk grab the Idol from Ulver. However, Ulver refused to give the Idol, so they and Nadia hatched a plan to hold person Arsene. Inside the Crystal Cavern, Aelith sat at a table and ushered the party towards him, with Arsene taking position a few tables away disguised. Both Aelith and the party discussed their recent fight when Aelith revealed he knew about the party’s encounter with Granny Gristle. Here Aelith demanded the idol and called out to Rivka as Arsene holds a knife to his own neck. Red, not wanting to see Arsene hurt, went to the restroom to talk grab the Idol from Ulver. However, Ulver refused to give the Idol, so they and Nadia hatched a plan to hold person Arsene.
-Upon exiting the bathroom, Red was caught trying to hold Arsene, starting combat combat. Ulver destroyed the idol through bow and flame breath. Krim and Yannick enclosed, beating on Aelith as Nadia attempts to hold person Arsene but failed. Aelith’s ice powers had diminished but still remained as he summoned frosty duplicates of himself and shot frost at Tye. Red dispelled the magic upon Arsene as he reached and pulled a ring off his finger and dashed it to the ground. However the ring jumped to Tye’s hands instead as he talked about Ulver’s family in Timberfell, Red’s in Arcadia and Nadia’s being a bird. In his possessed state Tye casted disintegrate on Red. Ulver charged up to Tye and quickly ripped the ring from his hand. Aelith raises a potion to his lips but before he can drink it, Yannick comes in hard and caves in his head, dropping the potion to the ground.+Upon exiting the bathroom, Red was caught trying to hold Arsene, starting combat combat. Ulver destroyed the idol through bow and flame breath. Krim and Yannick enclosed, beating on Aelith as Nadia attempts to hold person Arsene but failed. Aelith’s ice powers had diminished but still remained as he summoned frosty duplicates of himself and shot frost at Tye. Red dispelled the magic upon Arsene as he reached and pulled a ring off his finger and dashed it to the ground. However the ring jumped to Tye’s hands instead as he talked about Ulver’s family in Timberfell, Red’s in Arkaydia and Nadia’s being a bird. In his possessed state Tye casted disintegrate on Red. Ulver charged up to Tye and quickly ripped the ring from his hand. Aelith raises a potion to his lips but before he can drink it, Yannick comes in hard and caves in his head, dropping the potion to the ground.
 Searching Aelith, the party found, 30,000gp worth of Barer bonds, 5 sending scrolls, 2 teleportation scrolls, 2 scrolls of Rary’s telepathic bond. The party fled the tavern immediately (except Ulver who needed to buy another shirt) and regrouped in a nearby tavern. Here they messaged Manara Fountain, and learned the ring was Rivka and possessing people of its own will and they needed to put it in the bag of holding, however it was no longer in Ulver’s possession . Searching Aelith, the party found, 30,000gp worth of Barer bonds, 5 sending scrolls, 2 teleportation scrolls, 2 scrolls of Rary’s telepathic bond. The party fled the tavern immediately (except Ulver who needed to buy another shirt) and regrouped in a nearby tavern. Here they messaged Manara Fountain, and learned the ring was Rivka and possessing people of its own will and they needed to put it in the bag of holding, however it was no longer in Ulver’s possession .
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 The party arose in what remained of the Cooked Goose, as a police officer looked over the party. Here they noticed that Yannick and Arsene were gone, as the officer explained Arsene as taken into custody. Wanting to gain more info, sending were sent, first to Manara Fountaine, learning she was in the city and informing her that Rivka was dead. The Second sending was sent to Iota on a whim, learning he was reconstituted and he and the rest of the Demons were gathered in preparation of the party’s arrival. The party arose in what remained of the Cooked Goose, as a police officer looked over the party. Here they noticed that Yannick and Arsene were gone, as the officer explained Arsene as taken into custody. Wanting to gain more info, sending were sent, first to Manara Fountaine, learning she was in the city and informing her that Rivka was dead. The Second sending was sent to Iota on a whim, learning he was reconstituted and he and the rest of the Demons were gathered in preparation of the party’s arrival.
- At this point while the party was getting their bearings again with fatty foods, Adriklos sauntered up, explaining that Yannick was helping him in another regard (possibly unknowingly). In addition, he had a contact in the Temple of the Merchant, James Mur, that would assist them in assassinating the High Regent. Adriklos also advised the party to squeeze the location of the Regent from Manara as he had run to ground. As a show of good faith Adriklos stated that he would release Aidan from his curse if they killed just two of the demons. With that out of the way the party met with James in the temple and learned of his assassination skills and previously failed attempt, the regents Veilmari guards, and the party informed him the new army of demons.+ At this point while the party was getting their bearings again with fatty foods, Adriklos sauntered up, explaining that Yannick was helping him in another regard (possibly unknowingly). In addition, he had a contact in the Temple of the Merchant, James Mer, that would assist them in assassinating the High Regent. Adriklos also advised the party to squeeze the location of the Regent from Manara as he had run to ground. As a show of good faith Adriklos stated that he would release Aidan from his curse if they killed just two of the demons. With that out of the way the party met with James in the temple and learned of his assassination skills and previously failed attempt, the regents Veilmari guards, and the party informed him the new army of demons.
 Unsure of how to proceed, the party headed to the Wavering Gadfly to meet Manara in a backroom. However, she was unable to help with Arsene and unwilling to let the party kill the Regent. She explained that she needed the demons to speed up the civil war and that Dagonth later would dispose of them and absorb them into his phylactery. Red laid his cards bear, explaining that he barely wanted to kill the Regent, that they were working with Adriklos, the sway he held over them due to the curses. Here he offered his counterplan, as Adriklos stood in Manara’s way, wishing to kill the demons ASAP and the power he would gain would most likely create a threat. Red’s offer, give the Regents location and betray Adrikos after he freed Nadia, only killing two demons. This made Manara pause and search the many futures for the best course. After a moment Manara makes a counter offer, work with Daganth to end the civil war and use his ability to destroy the demons as leverage against Adriklos to free all their souls. She revealed he would become an Archdevil in the process and his actions would disrupt the Songdeath’s significantly. The party agreed on this deal and they began to assist Arsene. Unsure of how to proceed, the party headed to the Wavering Gadfly to meet Manara in a backroom. However, she was unable to help with Arsene and unwilling to let the party kill the Regent. She explained that she needed the demons to speed up the civil war and that Dagonth later would dispose of them and absorb them into his phylactery. Red laid his cards bear, explaining that he barely wanted to kill the Regent, that they were working with Adriklos, the sway he held over them due to the curses. Here he offered his counterplan, as Adriklos stood in Manara’s way, wishing to kill the demons ASAP and the power he would gain would most likely create a threat. Red’s offer, give the Regents location and betray Adrikos after he freed Nadia, only killing two demons. This made Manara pause and search the many futures for the best course. After a moment Manara makes a counter offer, work with Daganth to end the civil war and use his ability to destroy the demons as leverage against Adriklos to free all their souls. She revealed he would become an Archdevil in the process and his actions would disrupt the Songdeath’s significantly. The party agreed on this deal and they began to assist Arsene.
 The party then spoke to Arsene via sending and found out he is to be tried tomorrow at 4pm and executed the following day, assuming he would lose the case. Nadia stopped at Kuo Koffee and picked up two prawn sized coffees for “negotiations”. Entering the court house, in the early hours of the morning Nadia and Red pretended to be assistants in the court case dropping off files. Using the Bribe coffees to schmooze the two guards, they heading up to the office where the Prosecution lawyer was preparing the case. Nadia lagged behind allowing Red to head in first to make a distraction. As Red entered, he saw Abernathy J. Birdstien berating a Halfing assistant and threatening to peck his eyes out. Red got Abernathy’s attention immediately by pretending to be Human Resources and got Abernathy and his assistant out of the room. From here Nadia was able to sneak in and open a window so Ulver could be thrown in by Tye. Investigating the desk, Nadia found only papers unrelated to anything, before realizing the papers were under Illusionary Script. Not knowing which papers needed to be altered, Nadia staged an accident making it look like a cigarette wasn’t properly put out and set the table ablaze. Escaping outside as the building was evacuated, the party was able to find a nearby drug dealer who just so happened to be planning on killing Abernathy. They were able to buy cocaine from him and Nadia was able to teleport into the office again plant the drugs. Waiting nearby in a coffee shop the party was treated to the sight of Abernthy being escorted out of the premises and arrested while threatened to peck police officers eyes out (totally helping his case). The party then spoke to Arsene via sending and found out he is to be tried tomorrow at 4pm and executed the following day, assuming he would lose the case. Nadia stopped at Kuo Koffee and picked up two prawn sized coffees for “negotiations”. Entering the court house, in the early hours of the morning Nadia and Red pretended to be assistants in the court case dropping off files. Using the Bribe coffees to schmooze the two guards, they heading up to the office where the Prosecution lawyer was preparing the case. Nadia lagged behind allowing Red to head in first to make a distraction. As Red entered, he saw Abernathy J. Birdstien berating a Halfing assistant and threatening to peck his eyes out. Red got Abernathy’s attention immediately by pretending to be Human Resources and got Abernathy and his assistant out of the room. From here Nadia was able to sneak in and open a window so Ulver could be thrown in by Tye. Investigating the desk, Nadia found only papers unrelated to anything, before realizing the papers were under Illusionary Script. Not knowing which papers needed to be altered, Nadia staged an accident making it look like a cigarette wasn’t properly put out and set the table ablaze. Escaping outside as the building was evacuated, the party was able to find a nearby drug dealer who just so happened to be planning on killing Abernathy. They were able to buy cocaine from him and Nadia was able to teleport into the office again plant the drugs. Waiting nearby in a coffee shop the party was treated to the sight of Abernthy being escorted out of the premises and arrested while threatened to peck police officers eyes out (totally helping his case).
 +===== Resolving the Gebalam Civil War =====
 ==== Session 47 - 8/23/2021 ==== ==== Session 47 - 8/23/2021 ====
-//A Deal With The  Dracolich//+//A Deal With The Dracolich//
 While watching Abernathy get arrested, Ulver received a sending from Lloyd saying a spell was being cast on him. He allowed it and Lloyd and Ulver swapped after some minor complications. The party introduced Lloyd to Nadia and filled him in on all the (dumb) things they have been up to. Once caught up, they travelled, teleporting from Is'nol to Noxas to Daganthrai, with some seeming to avoid customs. While watching Abernathy get arrested, Ulver received a sending from Lloyd saying a spell was being cast on him. He allowed it and Lloyd and Ulver swapped after some minor complications. The party introduced Lloyd to Nadia and filled him in on all the (dumb) things they have been up to. Once caught up, they travelled, teleporting from Is'nol to Noxas to Daganthrai, with some seeming to avoid customs.
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 Meanwhile Nadia scouted the warehouse with Aidan’s help, finding a location to drop into. Nadia and Ulver dimension door in the building and loot the room of components, including diamonds and potencium. Ulver hid the bomb in a barrel of guano with an oil trail to connect to another component. Outside, Tye found a small child who offered to help distract the guard for a fee. A few moments later the guards ran offsite, as their car was lit on fire. The child accepted his payment in elephant rides. Meanwhile Nadia scouted the warehouse with Aidan’s help, finding a location to drop into. Nadia and Ulver dimension door in the building and loot the room of components, including diamonds and potencium. Ulver hid the bomb in a barrel of guano with an oil trail to connect to another component. Outside, Tye found a small child who offered to help distract the guard for a fee. A few moments later the guards ran offsite, as their car was lit on fire. The child accepted his payment in elephant rides.
-The party regrouped and met with James Mur, asking him for ideas on the teleportation circles.  He suggested to secure documents and pose as inspectors to clear the buildings. The party realized the courthouse would most likely hold these documents and dolled up Ulver as a disguise. Inside they heard gossip that Abernathy was cleared of his charges by Adriklos and that Abernathy was on the premise so Red left to avoid being detected. Inside the document room, Nadia and Ulver found Abernathy and Adriklos, where Adriklos offered to take care of the weather spire for a small body part. They refused and secured the documents.+The party regrouped and met with James Mer, asking him for ideas on the teleportation circles.  He suggested to secure documents and pose as inspectors to clear the buildings. The party realized the courthouse would most likely hold these documents and dolled up Ulver as a disguise. Inside they heard gossip that Abernathy was cleared of his charges by Adriklos and that Abernathy was on the premise so Red left to avoid being detected. Inside the document room, Nadia and Ulver found Abernathy and Adriklos, where Adriklos offered to take care of the weather spire for a small body part. They refused and secured the documents.
 Mur doctored the documents for Ulver and Nadia, and the party split up again, this time Ulver Krim and Red and Nadia with Tye. Both groups were able to enter easily with the documents and both set off their explosives without a hitch. After detonating both Nadia turned Tye into a Dinosaur and soar off to collect everyone. Red set off the other explosives and contacted Daganth, who stated he had another task for the party. Mur doctored the documents for Ulver and Nadia, and the party split up again, this time Ulver Krim and Red and Nadia with Tye. Both groups were able to enter easily with the documents and both set off their explosives without a hitch. After detonating both Nadia turned Tye into a Dinosaur and soar off to collect everyone. Red set off the other explosives and contacted Daganth, who stated he had another task for the party.
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 Talking with Krim, he shared the many pieces of loot he found including potions and Potencium. Afterword he showed the party the other two limited teleportation circles. They are promptly blown up and the party moved to exit the dungeon. Outside they meet with a Dragonborn Commander who escorted the party to a safe zone. Here, Arsene is met and the party received a long-warranted rest.  Talking with Krim, he shared the many pieces of loot he found including potions and Potencium. Afterword he showed the party the other two limited teleportation circles. They are promptly blown up and the party moved to exit the dungeon. Outside they meet with a Dragonborn Commander who escorted the party to a safe zone. Here, Arsene is met and the party received a long-warranted rest. 
 +===== Karra M'Pus =====
 ==== Session 55 - 12/13/2021 ==== ==== Session 55 - 12/13/2021 ====
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 //Stunned, Slowed and Swinging at Eachother// //Stunned, Slowed and Swinging at Eachother//
-Not knowing how to proceed, Red sent a message to Murana asking for help. Once she woke up, she advised that they seek out a mindflayer within town. Asking around, Nadia found one that had just moved within the city. Meeting with them, he introduced himself as Hal Joon and offered to help, needing a body to create the portal. Hal Joon only asked to keep quiet about mindflayer involvement and request we mention his involvement.+Not knowing how to proceed, Red sent a message to Mirana asking for help. Once she woke up, she advised that they seek out a mindflayer within town. Asking around, Nadia found one that had just moved within the city. Meeting with them, he introduced himself as Hal Joon and offered to help, needing a body to create the portal. Hal Joon only asked to keep quiet about mindflayer involvement and request we mention his involvement.
 Hal opened a portal and the party jumped in, finding many floating platforms, with illithids and intellect devourers waiting, as well as the missing children protected by a barrier with a Ulitharid within.  Luckly with this the party also saw Krim as combat began. The mindflayer stunned the party multiple times but were quickly defeated. With this the Ulitharid taunted the party and summoned Nihleths, but dropping the barrier. These proved much more difficult to deal with as they charmed Ulver and Krim, turning them against the party and hitting hard. As the ==== Session ends, Tye is downed between two Nihleths, Ulver is threatening Red, Krim is threatening Nadia and Kram-Pus is still somewhere in the distance   Hal opened a portal and the party jumped in, finding many floating platforms, with illithids and intellect devourers waiting, as well as the missing children protected by a barrier with a Ulitharid within.  Luckly with this the party also saw Krim as combat began. The mindflayer stunned the party multiple times but were quickly defeated. With this the Ulitharid taunted the party and summoned Nihleths, but dropping the barrier. These proved much more difficult to deal with as they charmed Ulver and Krim, turning them against the party and hitting hard. As the ==== Session ends, Tye is downed between two Nihleths, Ulver is threatening Red, Krim is threatening Nadia and Kram-Pus is still somewhere in the distance  
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 //Unloading Inventory and Backstory//  //Unloading Inventory and Backstory// 
-Now having the time to do so, the party sold off loot they no longer required and bought much in the way of supplies. Done shopping, they then contacted Murana and spoke with her about the High Regents location, which she gave but warned the party that doing so would be suicide. High Regent is protected by an army and the demons; the party needs to get stronger to have a change. She also suggested that the party possibly kill James Mur (or fake his death) to lessen the security around the high regent. +Now having the time to do so, the party sold off loot they no longer required and bought much in the way of supplies. Done shopping, they then contacted Mirana and spoke with her about the High Regents location, which she gave but warned the party that doing so would be suicide. High Regent is protected by an army and the demons; the party needs to get stronger to have a change. She also suggested that the party possibly kill James Mer (or fake his death) to lessen the security around the high regent. 
 With the advice out of the way, sending was cast to Deportes, wondering where he was. He responded that he never made it to Timberfel, was captured and is being held in some facility. The party didn't know how to proceed with this information and turned to other matters, contact Mur, who was conveniently in the city. Meeting with him, they learned he is willing to die but he has buissness he needed to be concluded first a Ver Paust assassination.However he prefered to live and suggested maybe asking Valgas for assistance. They also learned about Clegerous, the High Inquisitor Velmari and spymaster of the country, one of the High Regents confidants. The party also realized they knew nothing about each other and had a minor breakdown, actually learning about each other (or trying to). With the advice out of the way, sending was cast to Deportes, wondering where he was. He responded that he never made it to Timberfel, was captured and is being held in some facility. The party didn't know how to proceed with this information and turned to other matters, contact Mur, who was conveniently in the city. Meeting with him, they learned he is willing to die but he has buissness he needed to be concluded first a Ver Paust assassination.However he prefered to live and suggested maybe asking Valgas for assistance. They also learned about Clegerous, the High Inquisitor Velmari and spymaster of the country, one of the High Regents confidants. The party also realized they knew nothing about each other and had a minor breakdown, actually learning about each other (or trying to).
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 After this, the Party split minorly to take care of things, Nadia prepped spell, Ulver investigated with local thieves guild. Tye headed to admiral church, Red gave Lloyd relationship advice. The next day the party visited the prison and smuggled in the sapphire and some other items. But as they examine the room they realized these can’t be used and fall back on plan B, negotiation. Red and Valgas negotiated for his help, coming to the terms of, if the party aids his liberation and is given co-ownership of the radio station again, he will help with the Regent. Valgas also suggested that Memista, Lloyd’s crush, may be able to issue a pardon, opposed to mounting a jailbreak.    After this, the Party split minorly to take care of things, Nadia prepped spell, Ulver investigated with local thieves guild. Tye headed to admiral church, Red gave Lloyd relationship advice. The next day the party visited the prison and smuggled in the sapphire and some other items. But as they examine the room they realized these can’t be used and fall back on plan B, negotiation. Red and Valgas negotiated for his help, coming to the terms of, if the party aids his liberation and is given co-ownership of the radio station again, he will help with the Regent. Valgas also suggested that Memista, Lloyd’s crush, may be able to issue a pardon, opposed to mounting a jailbreak.   
 +===== The Sewer Ghouls =====
 ==== Session 62 - 5/2/2022 ==== ==== Session 62 - 5/2/2022 ====
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 //Barely witty title// //Barely witty title//
-The party mulled over options for hours, contacting Murana and James Mur in the process. Eventually they decided to speak with Memista and see about pardoning Valgas so he can lure the High Regent into a trap with the promise of blood honey. Memista is willing to call in favors but asks the party to help by dealing with ghouls in the sewers that had killed the child of someone influential. Agreeing, the party also learn that there are reports of giant maggot along with the ghouls, possibly associated with necromancers and Kyuss  +The party mulled over options for hours, contacting Mirana and James Mer in the process. Eventually they decided to speak with Memista and see about pardoning Valgas so he can lure the High Regent into a trap with the promise of blood honey. Memista is willing to call in favors but asks the party to help by dealing with ghouls in the sewers that had killed the child of someone influential. Agreeing, the party also learn that there are reports of giant maggot along with the ghouls, possibly associated with necromancers and Kyuss  
 ==== Session 63 - 5/16/2022 ==== ==== Session 63 - 5/16/2022 ====
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 The party reported to Memista, who set to work creating a magical binding contract for Valgas’s release. With that being ready tomorrow, the party treated themselves to a spa day to rest. They reconvened midday with Valgas and Memista to settle the terms of the contract. Valgas will be given his pardon and co-ownership of World’s End Radio. In exchange he will assist with the High Regent and the artificial demons. The penalty for violating the contract will be death for both sides (starting with Red for the party). The deal was signed and the party planned its next step. Red asked Valgas if he knew of any way to get to Clegerous and learned of the secret police’s warehouse. The party reported to Memista, who set to work creating a magical binding contract for Valgas’s release. With that being ready tomorrow, the party treated themselves to a spa day to rest. They reconvened midday with Valgas and Memista to settle the terms of the contract. Valgas will be given his pardon and co-ownership of World’s End Radio. In exchange he will assist with the High Regent and the artificial demons. The penalty for violating the contract will be death for both sides (starting with Red for the party). The deal was signed and the party planned its next step. Red asked Valgas if he knew of any way to get to Clegerous and learned of the secret police’s warehouse.
 +===== Finding the Secret Police =====
 ==== Session 69 - 8/22/2022 ==== ==== Session 69 - 8/22/2022 ====
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 Tye also manages to get a spa day in before reuniting with the party during the meeting. With the contract signed they waited in a nearby coffee shop to see news of Valgas’s “escape”. Once the escape was aired nationally, a break was taken to go shopping and training. The next day, the party headed out by airship to Marinto, looking into Clegerous and the warehouse. Tye also manages to get a spa day in before reuniting with the party during the meeting. With the contract signed they waited in a nearby coffee shop to see news of Valgas’s “escape”. Once the escape was aired nationally, a break was taken to go shopping and training. The next day, the party headed out by airship to Marinto, looking into Clegerous and the warehouse.
- With Ulver, not feeling well(?), Red opted to infiltrate the warehouse, Nadia helped him access the roof via an arcane gate and he used a hatch to slip into the rafters. Overhearing the warehouse workers gained him nothing but inside the offices he gained a floor plan for the boxes. Almost running out of time, Red did learn that the boxes on the outside perimeter hid a gear system, and inferred that the entire bottom of the warehouse may lower. +With Ulver, not feeling well(?), Red opted to infiltrate the warehouse, Nadia helped him access the roof via an arcane gate and he used a hatch to slip into the rafters. Overhearing the warehouse workers gained him nothing but inside the offices he gained a floor plan for the boxes. Almost running out of time, Red did learn that the boxes on the outside perimeter hid a gear system, and inferred that the entire bottom of the warehouse may lower. 
 Exiting the building, the floor plan was given to Nadia to translate, which cited the office room as “elv - clter”. Inferring that it's some sort of elevator control, the party knew where to target when they made their move. Exiting the building, the floor plan was given to Nadia to translate, which cited the office room as “elv - clter”. Inferring that it's some sort of elevator control, the party knew where to target when they made their move.
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 Seeing Omega reeling in pain from this, the beatdown on Omega commenced, with everyone throwing all they had at them, (including Aidan being a dick…with his dick). Still the threat, Omega knocked many of the party down, including killing Red, but he was revived and Nadia incinerated Omega with an overcharged fireball. Gathering the prisoners, the party met Estaban, the man who was helping them with the healing darts before they disappeared into the night. Seeing Omega reeling in pain from this, the beatdown on Omega commenced, with everyone throwing all they had at them, (including Aidan being a dick…with his dick). Still the threat, Omega knocked many of the party down, including killing Red, but he was revived and Nadia incinerated Omega with an overcharged fireball. Gathering the prisoners, the party met Estaban, the man who was helping them with the healing darts before they disappeared into the night.
 +===== That Fuckin' Aboleth =====
 ==== Session 75 - 1/23/2023 ==== ==== Session 75 - 1/23/2023 ====
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 //The New BBEG// //The New BBEG//
-The party met with James Mur in the back of a bar. He stated he would need about two days to set everything up. Finishing the meeting, the Party visited Konigzpfalz seeking to get the needle forged. Meeting with the high Enchanter, Tye settles on a warpick. After that, a small shopping stint was had and the party visited a small dueling gym and tested their mettle. +The party met with James Mer in the back of a bar. He stated he would need about two days to set everything up. Finishing the meeting, the Party visited Konigzpfalz seeking to get the needle forged. Meeting with the high Enchanter, Tye settles on a warpick. After that, a small shopping stint was had and the party visited a small dueling gym and tested their mettle. 
 Puzzling on how to spend the rest of the day, a man approached placing an offer on the trident for his master. Wanting to meet this buyer in person, the man (begrudging) brought them to a teleporter. Going through, the party find themselves within a cavern with brine pools as an Aboleth rose. Negotiation broke down quickly (our fault) and the Aboleth fucked off.  Puzzling on how to spend the rest of the day, a man approached placing an offer on the trident for his master. Wanting to meet this buyer in person, the man (begrudging) brought them to a teleporter. Going through, the party find themselves within a cavern with brine pools as an Aboleth rose. Negotiation broke down quickly (our fault) and the Aboleth fucked off. 
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 Getting a good night’s rest, the party was met with a sending from Memista, she had sent help. Downstairs they found Dj Khaled-mari, a College of Vinyl bard Squidman.  Having no further business in town, the party teleported back to the Capital and Tye received his cold steel pickax. Getting a good night’s rest, the party was met with a sending from Memista, she had sent help. Downstairs they found Dj Khaled-mari, a College of Vinyl bard Squidman.  Having no further business in town, the party teleported back to the Capital and Tye received his cold steel pickax.
 +===== Rescuing Mer =====
 ==== Session 80 - 5/15/2023 ==== ==== Session 80 - 5/15/2023 ====
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 //Beachside Real Estate and the Squatters-Right We will use Later//  //Beachside Real Estate and the Squatters-Right We will use Later// 
-Since the party had some time to kill, a nice shopping trip began. Wanting to pick up items for “human” Aidan, Nadia lucky found a shop specializing in bird magic items. She picked up weapons and armor that could transform with him. With shopping done the party teleported to Arcadia and headed to the bar James said to meet him there.+Since the party had some time to kill, a nice shopping trip began. Wanting to pick up items for “human” Aidan, Nadia lucky found a shop specializing in bird magic items. She picked up weapons and armor that could transform with him. With shopping done the party teleported to Arkaydia and headed to the bar James said to meet him there.
 What a bizarre way to begin. Perhaps this is normal on this planet, in this time? Time to shop. Shopping time. His mantle buzzed with anticipation. Neurons fired and clawed back to a moment before – had he ever shopped? It certainly sounded familiar. Surely he had done so at some point.  What a bizarre way to begin. Perhaps this is normal on this planet, in this time? Time to shop. Shopping time. His mantle buzzed with anticipation. Neurons fired and clawed back to a moment before – had he ever shopped? It certainly sounded familiar. Surely he had done so at some point. 
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 In the meeting, the party sold three pieces of info; 1, The party sold the info on 3V hunting them under their former alias for the location on three facilities nearby, 2, the sold info on the High Regents plans for exact info on Clegerous, and 3, Sold info on how many demons were created so far for 500 plat. With that done everyone met back up and split off for training.  In the meeting, the party sold three pieces of info; 1, The party sold the info on 3V hunting them under their former alias for the location on three facilities nearby, 2, the sold info on the High Regents plans for exact info on Clegerous, and 3, Sold info on how many demons were created so far for 500 plat. With that done everyone met back up and split off for training. 
 +===== Finding the Cleggorus =====
 ==== Session 84 - 7/27/2023 ==== ==== Session 84 - 7/27/2023 ====
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   * Next rest Nadia investigated Ferret learning its non magical, causes hives, and pees. She then decided to throw it at Aidan for making fun of her   * Next rest Nadia investigated Ferret learning its non magical, causes hives, and pees. She then decided to throw it at Aidan for making fun of her
- That day, within the mountains, DJ started feeling a vibration in the ground (not from drugs). Searching the area, Nadia found a rock with hinges. Tye was able to pick through the door but it set off a grenade trap. Inside an Urmari soldier sat at the ready near what the party assumed was a communicator. He suicide bombed himself to damage the party and destroyed the device but the party noticed a lever nearby. Pulling it, opened an elevator on the snow. The party got on and as they were riding down, a voice over a loudspeaker began taunting them. Knowing they've been made, Red cast darkness the second he saw light from the elevator's end, as Urmari soldiers began to fire. +That day, within the mountains, DJ started feeling a vibration in the ground (not from drugs). Searching the area, Nadia found a rock with hinges. Tye was able to pick through the door but it set off a grenade trap. Inside an Urmari soldier sat at the ready near what the party assumed was a communicator. He suicide bombed himself to damage the party and destroyed the device but the party noticed a lever nearby. Pulling it, opened an elevator on the snow. The party got on and as they were riding down, a voice over a loudspeaker began taunting them. Knowing they've been made, Red cast darkness the second he saw light from the elevator's end, as Urmari soldiers began to fire. 
 ==== Session 85 - 8/7/2023 ==== ==== Session 85 - 8/7/2023 ====
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 With the knowledge gained the party headed to the palace and visited Dryani. After a small debate the party opted to upgrade Vallete’s Bracers. With that completed, The party started Sending to people to gather the support for the final battle. Collection of support listed below. With the knowledge gained the party headed to the palace and visited Dryani. After a small debate the party opted to upgrade Vallete’s Bracers. With that completed, The party started Sending to people to gather the support for the final battle. Collection of support listed below.
   * Adriklos - The sword is the best help he’ll give   * Adriklos - The sword is the best help he’ll give
-  * Murana - not interested+  * Mirana - not interested
   * Nevik -  not interested   * Nevik -  not interested
   * Daganth - Will send varying support based on if we side with him taking the souls or not   * Daganth - Will send varying support based on if we side with him taking the souls or not
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   * Dave - WE GOT THE DAVE   * Dave - WE GOT THE DAVE
   * Arsene - Got him   * Arsene - Got him
-  * James Mur - Got him+  * James Mer - Got him
   * Maria Isabella - She’s In   * Maria Isabella - She’s In
   * Black Masks / Gurok - he’s in   * Black Masks / Gurok - he’s in
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 Abernathy made idle threats, (pecking the eyes out and sexual harassment) as he summoned a gigantic goose with eight legs Kappa’s tendrils descended from the ceiling, hanging near the party’s footing.The party focused the Spider Goose first as it honked a terrible thunderous honk. Nadia flew, escaping the tendrils grasp and caught the foes in a Sickening Radiance. In the back lines, Epsilon pulled DJ and Vallette into the water. Red, surging with anger, struck the Spider Goose and Smited it, not through eldritch machination but through righteous fury (divine smite, paladin). DJ escaped from the water and wanting to clear up the battlefield DJ dropped the Bass (a pun) and turned Kappa into a Rock Bass (the fish, not the musical instrument). Abernathy tried to berate the party with spells but got shut down with counterspells every time. Vaer teleported near Abernathey and decimated his health. Valette, escaping from Epsilon, capitalized on Vaers work, and threw glass shards through him.  Krim and Red dove into the water Epsilon and drove it to the surface as Vaer concentrated on Beta. Tye and Vallette destroyed Beta but in its bone ash rose four beta spawns. Nadia casted Prismatic Spray catching the Beta spawns and the arisen Epsilon. The fighting pressed on as a small bat flew into the room. Abernathy made idle threats, (pecking the eyes out and sexual harassment) as he summoned a gigantic goose with eight legs Kappa’s tendrils descended from the ceiling, hanging near the party’s footing.The party focused the Spider Goose first as it honked a terrible thunderous honk. Nadia flew, escaping the tendrils grasp and caught the foes in a Sickening Radiance. In the back lines, Epsilon pulled DJ and Vallette into the water. Red, surging with anger, struck the Spider Goose and Smited it, not through eldritch machination but through righteous fury (divine smite, paladin). DJ escaped from the water and wanting to clear up the battlefield DJ dropped the Bass (a pun) and turned Kappa into a Rock Bass (the fish, not the musical instrument). Abernathy tried to berate the party with spells but got shut down with counterspells every time. Vaer teleported near Abernathey and decimated his health. Valette, escaping from Epsilon, capitalized on Vaers work, and threw glass shards through him.  Krim and Red dove into the water Epsilon and drove it to the surface as Vaer concentrated on Beta. Tye and Vallette destroyed Beta but in its bone ash rose four beta spawns. Nadia casted Prismatic Spray catching the Beta spawns and the arisen Epsilon. The fighting pressed on as a small bat flew into the room.
 +==== Session 94 - 01/08/2024 ====
 +//Old Friends to New Allies//
 +Vallete eliminated a Beta Spawn as Kappa is Re-bass-ed. Krim dropped Epsilon to critical health as people eased off it. A slight mistake however as this gave room for Epsilon to breath noxious poison, before dragging Deslin (Red) and Vallete into the water. Tye and DJ pummeled the last beta Spawns as Vaer absorbed the remains. With Beta dealt with, Vaer connected with Epsilon as it breathed again on Tye and DJ and pulled DJ and Vallete in again. Vallete was tired of being dragged back and forth and threw a glass dagger through Epsilon, dead center of the eyes, adding another to Vaer’s power. Now all that was left was Kappa, as Red prepared his strike. The second Vaers energy connected, Red launched his cut and Kappa exploded in radiance.
 +Regrouping, Nadia was able to resummon Aidan. As the party pressed into the next room, they meet face to face with an old friend. Kikris. Kikris was surprised and flustered seeing the party, thinking they were dead, only for them to come back and screw up their plans. When pressed for more info, Kikris explained that Gamma eventually spit them out, and they were able to speak with the High Regent and his reasoning. The demons weren’t made for a political/territorial power play but were made to fight the Envoy, who plans to destroy the world. With his death drawing near he decided to choose Kikris as his successor and gave them control of the demons.
 +Negotiations were tense, as the party neither wanted to hurt Kikris and leave the Envoy unopposed nor double cross Daganth and Vaer and leave Nadia and Aidan high and dry (and turn on their allies). Quick thinking, Red was able to hammer out a deal; Kikris keeps the demons until the Envoy is dealt with, and afterwards Vaer gets the souls. Vaer, knowing the Envoy was a threat and had other preparations in the works, agreed, while the High Regent agreed with one condition. Since his protege would be left with nothing come the end of that endeavor, he insisted the party go to Fishaug in Solaria and eliminate Kikris’s half brother, Hans, who also sided with the Envoy. An easy sell all things considered, the party agreed and contacted Memista to draft a contract similar to the one with Valgas. All that was left was the High Regent, old and feeble, who knowing everything would be taken care of, could die at peace. A swift cut was delivered as he was freed from his mortal coil. 
  • snow_and_slime_session_logs.1705245612.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/01/14 10:20
  • by shto